Website F.A.Q.
General Questions about English Teacher Websites - and their answers..
The site exists to serve as a genuinely useful one-stop resource site for English language teachers and students and (we hope) to provide assistance to teachers looking for employment.
This site is owned and run by a small group of English teachers (some are now ex-teachers). The site is managed and maintained by us, voluntarily.
The site is run on a non-profit basis, which is why we haven't ruined the site with tons of adverts. That's also why we don't charge to list websites or charge for stuff like job adverts, even from agencies. We don't plan to make money from this site, though at some point we'll need to find a little money to pay for site hosting, design tasks, etc.
Site Submissions
Yes, you can. We don't charge for submission or inclusion in our listings. However, we don't automatically accept submissions: when we receive a submission we visit the site to decide if we want to feature it. If we don't think that the site offers something interesting, we we won't include it. We never feature sites which we don't like!
Yes, of course. In fact, we encourage it. We don't have time to visit every English language website on the internet, and you will almost certainly know of at least one decent resource that we've never seen before. Then, if a site is recommended and we like it too, we contact the webmaster of the site and invite them to submit their details for inclusion. is run by volunteers who work on the site in their spare time. We all have full-time jobs, and so things get done more slowly than if we were being paid to do it. All we can do is ask you to be patient!
The site is run on a not-for-profit basis. We are happy to publish and therefore promote websites which we feel merit it, but ask that the webmasters support us in return by linking to us. We think that's only fair.
Other Questions
We would like to create and develop a section where teachers or those connected with teaching can post articles, stories, tips, advice and so on. We originally had a page where contributors could submit articles directly, but it was only used by SEO spammers trying to promote their latest advertising farm, so now we ask contributors to get in touch with us first.
In terms of content and as suggested above, you can submit an article on more or less any subject linked to teaching or studying English. Our main interest is that the article is original, interesting and relevant. If you'd like to have your articles published on this site, click 'contribute' on the home menu and that'll take you to the right place.
Not at present. We looked at carrying a limited number of adverts but decided not to bother when we saw how difficult it would be to ensure that we only carried relevant advertising.
We did. This site was designed by beendesigned, a website design group which we created a couple of years ago. We started out designing websites for schools and teachers, but these days we also do a lot of website design for small businesses. For more information visit the page 'Our website design'.