Submit an Article

What are we looking for?

It's simple. If you're a teacher or involved with teaching English and have something that you'd like to share with other teachers, send it to us. If we think it's interesting, we'll publish it. We only ask that the content you submit is original, was written by you and is not already published elsewhere (we check this with a plagiarism checker).

One-off or regular articles?

If you're interested in writing regular articles, use the form below to send us your first article and add an explanatory message in the notes section. We're actively looking for a small number of regular contributors who can offer articles on a variety of themes, ranging from educational tips techniques through to a travelling teacher's diary. Interested?

Submit an Article
Submit an Article

ALL fields must be completed unless marked 'optional'.

Article Content

Please enter your text here - there is no maximum length. If you prefer, the text can instead be uploaded as a Text or Word file by using the upload buttons below.

png or jpg files only - Max size 250Kb

png or jpg files only - Max size 250Kb

txt, doc or docx files only - Max size 100Kb

Optional: You may use the buttons above to upload up to two images to feature in the article and, if you prefer, you can also upload the text of your article as a Text or Word document.

text image