Blogs about Teaching English
If you know of a good quality blog that you'd like to submit for inclusion in our listings, please submit it here. We visit all the websites and blog submitted for inclusion and, if we like it, we'll list it.
Although there are lots of interesting blogs out there, this website is focussed on English language teaching and learning, and English teachers. So, we're mostly interested in blogs either written by teachers or about English language teaching, either as a first or second language.
It doesn't make any diference to us whether you submit a blog that belongs to someone else or your own blog, but we ought to point out that we will not list sites which, in our opinion, carry too much advertising.
Not a genuine recommendation? Submissions which are incomplete, use fake names or email addresses or without adequate descriptions will be assumed to be from seo spammers and will be deleted without being considered. Submissions for blogs which have existed for less than a year are unlikely to be accepted.