English Language Schools

Submit an English Language School

By 'English language school' we mean a language school which teaches English. It doesn't matter whether you call yourself a school, college, academy or nursery; if you exist to teach English as a first or second language you can submit your details here. If your school has more than one location you may submit details of multiple branches here, provided they are all in the same country. If you operate internationally you'll need to make one submission per country.

Regardless, all submissions must comply with our simple requirements. You must:

  • Provide a valid contact name, phone number and email address so we can confirm your authority.
  • Your contact email address must use the school website domain.
  • Provide all the details requested in the form below.
  • Provide a description of the school, of at least 200 words
  • Optional: you may submit images that you would like us to use on your listing.
  • Optional: you may submit addresses of multiple locations within the same country, if applicable.

This category is only for language schools which provide face-to-face lessons. Online schools should submit their details in the Online Courses section. If we can find no evidence that a school physically exists, and has existed for at least a year, will will not list it, sorry. In any event, we reserve the right to decline submissions and/or to delete listings at our discretion.

Submit an English Language School
Submitting a Language school

Please be sure to complete all boxes unless marked 'optional'.

Your school details

All fields must be completed. The information provided in this section will be published unless otherwise specified.

If your school operates from multiple schools and addresses in the same country, you should list them here, using the format: area, town/city, contact email address, contact tel.

By default, we use a screenshot image of your website for your listing. However, if you have an image or images which you would like us to use, you may upload them here. We cannot guarantee to use the images, but we will try to do so where practical and where images are appropriate. For best results, images should be at least 750px wide to allow for different screen sizes. Logos can be smaller!

png or jpg files only - Max size 500Kb

png or jpg files only - Max size 500Kb

ALL fields must be completed unless marked as optional. Once you are finished, copy the word in the image (below) exactly as shown and press 'Submit'. After a few seconds you will be taken to a new page. If you see an error message, check all fields have been completed and then try again.

text image